Meeting, Phone Call and Email activities

Hi all,

We have made some important changes to the Meeting, Phone Call and Email activities: a number of you have mentioned that, after adding these activities, you were not able to see them in the young person or organisation's case records. After doing some troubleshooting, we have become aware that these activities are not saving onto the case record (and are saving to the contact records instead - while this isn't ideal, it is a relief in that your data entry has not been lost!) As a solution: for now, we have added new activities to Civi named 'Meeting', 'Phone call' and 'TFMF Email', which you WILL be able to see on the case record once uploaded; we have for the time being disabled use of the old activities that were routing to the contact record for delivery team, fundraising team, MF team and BPMs alike. We will be working with VEDA to transfer the old activities which have routed to the contact record to the young person's and/or organisation's case - please bear with us on this, it may take some time for you to view these while VEDA complete some more urgent dashboard and Civi related work. We will let you know once the old activities can be viewed.

Impact team