
Meeting, Phone Call and Email activities

New reporting permissions for coaches

"With great power comes great responsibility"

Or so the saying goes... With this mind, we have added new permissions for coaches to manage their report templates and personalise the reports they see on Civi. We will be looking at how best we can support you to adapt your reports to be most useful for you over the coming months.

To get started, let's look at how you would set up a personal version of a R4W Passport Progress report as an example.... Click into this article for instructions.

Get to your Fortnite dashboard from Civi!

You can now access the Fortnite dashboard from within civi by using the tab that sits under the ThinkForward logo right next to your civi coaching dashboard, coaches calendar and new event calendar. We hope this will make it easier to get access to all the information you need from within civi/even more efficiently. Please feel free to feedback if this is useful for you in the comments to this post or by email to the Impact Team.

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