New reporting permissions for coaches

"With great power comes great responsibility"

Or so the saying goes... With this mind, we have added new permissions for coaches to manage their report templates and personalise the reports they see on Civi. We will be looking at how best we can support you to adapt your reports to be most useful for you over the coming months.

To get started, let's look at how you would set up a personal version of a R4W Passport Progress report as an example.... Click into this article for instructions.

1) Go to the Filters tab
You can go into an existing report (or create a new report from scratch if you're feeling adventurous)
In the R4W passport example, we are going to personalise this for an individual coach.
In this case, once we're on the filter screen, we're going to want to go to the R4W+ section and then scroll down to the 'Coach name' field and enter the name/s we want to filter for. If the criteria is set to 'contains', you will only need to enter the first name. You could also do this by Region. This field is just next to the coach name field in the R4W+ section.

2) Go to the Title & Formatting tab
You will want to give your report a distinct title, perhaps by putting your initials at the beginning of the title. This is so if you chose to use the report for dashboards then you want to be able to distinguish it from other reports or the original template.

3) Go to the Access tab
Select the 'Add to my reports?' tick-box
This option will allow you to add the report under the 'My reports' section of the All Reports screen rather than add the report to everyone's list. Please save personal versions of reports in this way so it doesn't clog up the reporting list for everyone.
You may wish to select the 'Make available for Dashboard' tick-box
Use this option if you would like to be able to add the report to your civi dashboard (i.e. the screen that comes up when you click on the CiviCRM tab). This screen can be personalised with various reports to give you information you would like quick access to. We will cover how to do this (i.e. configure your dashboard) in future guidance or contact the Impact team. However, this option will need to be selected if you may wish to use the report on your dashboard. If you select this option, be sure to give you have given your report a distinct name in the steps above so it is not confused with the original version of the report.

4) Refresh the report using the 'Refresh results' button
Check that the report is producing the result you expect. Adjust as necessary.

5) Select the 'Save a copy' option on the 'Actions' dropdown menu that sits just below the 'Refresh results' button.
The personal copy of the report will now be available at the top of the all reports screen under 'My reports'. Please be sure to save a copy and not just save to ensure you are saving a personal version rather than updating the report for everyone!
This will let you click straight into a personalised version of the report rather than having to reset the filters each time to see the specific information you are looking for. The original version of the report will still be available in the main list.
You can edit the filters for this report as needed and just 'Save' from the 'Actions' menu in future to update your report settings. You can also use this approach to save changes to the fields you would like the report to display. You can do this via the 'Columns' tab.

You can do this with any report on Civi so please do experiment and contact the Impact team if you need additional guidance on setting up the reports you need. Further training for everyone will be coming up soon. You can ask questions about this guidance using the comments section below or emailing